Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Denver made a few friends at the coffee shop this weekend. Most were a little noisier than this one.

    • photo
    • Denver
    • dog
  2. I recently added a micropub server to make it easier to post to my site. Sorry if that means more dumb words. I’m hoping it encourages me to post more pictures though.

    • note
    • site changes
  3. Watching the Beckham documentary puts a whole 'nother dimension to Ted Lasso as an American.

    • note
  4. I donate blood for the free snacks.

    • note
    • humor
  5. TIL that AM and PM (short for the latin ante meridiem and post meridiem) are styled lowercase with a preceding space and punctuation in most style guides “10:10 a.m.” or “6 p.m.” rather than uppercase. Or if the style is upper case, small caps are recommended with no punctuation such...

    • note
    • TIL
  6. Creating space to feel my emotions

    IndieWeb Carnival: Self-Care and Routine

    • article
    • IndieWeb
    • carnival
    • personal
  7. Rethinking my approach to social media

    For about 2 years now, I have pulled back from the major social media platforms. While I still have accounts on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, I’ve made the choice to avoid them as much as possible. Initially, I was afraid this would disconnect me from important relationships. I do miss...

    • article
    • IndieWeb
    • culture
  8. I just merged a big update to the site which adds dark mode and some other style changes. The site now uses system fonts and doesn’t include the material css library which should reduce the size of the initial page load. The main goal was simplifying the codebase but css...

    • note
    • site changes
  9. After the Rain

    IndieWeb Carnival: My Kind Of Weather

    • article
    • IndieWeb
    • carnival
  10. Today I learned that the standard CSS definition for gray is darker than darkgray. 🙈 Turns out things can get inconsistent if you combine two different lists of color names.

    • link
    • TIL
    • technology
  11. I swear he intentionally loses these tenis balls under the couch so I have to help him…

    • photo
    • Denver
    • dog
  12. Au revoir France. It was nice to meet you. I’ll have more photos to share soon ❤️

    • photo
    • travel
    • France

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