Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. This is a great addition to notifications. It’ll make it a lot easier to follow up on important issues. Starting today, you can prioritize your notificationsSave it now, read it later 🔖— GitHub (@github) November 2, 2018

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  2. The whole left/right @twix competition marketing campaign make me want to avoid the whole product.

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  3. As someone who has tried to pull dandelions from the yard, these images are stress inducing. Every time I see a stock photo of a child blowing on a dandelion and making a wish, I can only think, "I bet that damn kid is wishing for more weeds"— Jeff...

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  4. I wish there was a setting to hide the text by default. How to get the most out of @duolingo? Tip 3: During lessons, first listen to each sentence without looking at the text. Because reading is easier than listening, your brain gets lazy and doesn’t try to listen when...

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  5. Mobile messaging would be a lot nicer if @verizon and @apple got on board with unified RCS Chat

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  6. Way to finish off a great season #RedSox ! #WorldSeries champs again. #HR4HR

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    • RedSox
    • WorldSeries
    • HR4HR
  7. I totally agree with this article. The touch bar does not add value beyond normal function keys. Is the Touch Bar a gimmick? Two years in, I can answer that … - 9to5Mac— Sindre Sorhus (@sindresorhus) October 25, 2018

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  8. That was a long game… #HR4HR

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    • HR4HR
  9. My wife said the #Dodgers finally showed up to the #WorldSeries but I think they waited for the world series to come to them.

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    • Dodgers
    • WorldSeries
  10. I bought a new phone this past week. I’m really bullish on wireless charging, USB-C, and the fingerprint reader right now.

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  11. @chiccychiccy (The amount @chiccychiccy drinks + 2) / 2 - 2

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  12. That was one heck of a game. #RedSox #Astros #PostSeason #ALCS #MLB “You shouldn’t have done that, friend.” - @mookiebetts— MLB (@MLB) October 18, 2018

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    • RedSox
    • Astros
    • PostSeason
    • ALCS
    • MLB
  13. This week I’m reminded that once we believe that our opponent’s motives are dishonest, we often stop listening their argument. Attacking someone’s character seems to smother our desire to seek the truth.

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  14. Here’s how to set dark mode for #macOS #mojave in your dotfiles. 🌃 defaults write “Apple Global Domain” “AppleInterfaceStyle” “Dark”…

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    • macOS
    • mojave
  15. Automate Mojave Dark mode configuration

    If you like to automate your macOS configuration via bash scripts and have recently setup Mojave, you may be wondering how to enable dark mode, the configuration is called “AppleInterfaceStyle” and can be set using the following command. defaults write "Apple Global Domain" "AppleInterfaceStyle" "Dark" If you would like to...

    • article
    • technology

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