Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. There’s also a huge group of officers grouped up a few blocks from the protest. Looks like they may have riot gear.

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  2. Crazy numbers of police around La Mesa today in response to a planned protest. Most of the protesters we’ve seen look like Trumpers

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  3. Enforcing economic class divides is not the American dream. We shouldn’t let our towns exclude low income housing because we can’t “be bothered”. I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low...

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  4. Then the Costa Rica episode completely ignored the native Costa Ricans who have done so much to make the country the leader in sustainability it is today. A bunch of expats should not be the voices to share about growing local foods.

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  5. There’s a lot of pseudo-science which can be fine if that’s the theme of your show. But I really wish it wasn’t presented the same as things that have been scientifically researched.

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  6. The episodes don’t seem to have a point. Just two bros traveling while learning some interesting facts about unique situations. I guess they are exposing people to new ideas. But there are very few usable takeaways for such practical topics.

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  7. I was really wanting to like Zac Efron’s “Down to Earth” but it is hard to watch. I love the premise and the topics sounded great but the production severely misses the mark.

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  8. Looks like I missed #BlackBotanistsWeek but I’m enjoying finding new accounts to follow. @t_marie_wms @nox_makunga @localecologist @jadebleau @Rk_ct Also South Africa quite possibly has the most interesting plants. They were well represented. 🇿🇦🌱

    • photo
    • BlackBotanistsWeek
    • plants
  9. I love that “keep the tweets flowing” was their last tweet before having to lock down twitter. Keep the Tweets flowing and the conversations going, without switching between other tabs and the Messages tab.On the desktop version of, you can now access your DMs at the bottom right of...

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  10. TIL Slack has a reaction limit 😅

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    • TIL
  11. @ice_1080 There are so many trade-offs to consider. In some ways there are principles that are true across technologies but then each project has it’s own nuances of “what is a functional test?” and “how hard is this test setup?”.

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  12. @ethanculp Dedicated QA roles tend to do a better job of thinking through edge cases. Without QA you need more of that kind of thinking throughout the development process (requirements/story writing, development, and peer review).

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  13. Had a lot of fun writing this post. There are a lot of important reasons for testing but the biggest wins are long term. Team not prioritizing automated tests? See why testing saves time after code is written.#Testing #AutomatedTesting #CodingProductivity #StreamlinedWorkflow— SitePen (@sitepen) July 14, 2020

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  14. One of the things I like about learning photography is recognising cool textures in life that I used to ignore.

    • photo
    • texture
    • plants
  15. Also, 6,000 years seems like a long time ago for reintroduction. I feel like a lot will have changed ecologically.

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