Anthony Ciccarello
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Short thoughts and replies that weren't a whole blog post.

  1. Ethiopia is doing some pretty amazing work to make the land more drought resistant. Amazing stuff.…

  2. Do people still click on the “Like” button? There is no need to have Facebook watching every page. Companies using Facebook 'Like' button liable for data: EU court— Reuters (@Reuters) July 29, 2019

  3. Thanks for letting me get on my soapbox.

  4. It’s actually nice to not have so many plastic bags and trash. Unfortunately right now reducing our own waste requires questioning a lot of what is suggested in the store.

  5. “…the rising popularity of clamshell containers, for example, means that foods that could have gone to compost or animal feed may instead go to landfill because distributors and retailers would have to pay someone to remove the plastic.”

  6. Also, composting is a great way to reduce trash, separate the smelly stuff, and put nutrients back in the ecosystem. Plastic packaging gets in the way of that.

  7. Can we stop letting retailers convince us to spend more money to potentially save a few cents that actually end up in the trash? “Buying six heads of lettuce from Costco seems like a good deal—until you throw out most of them a few weeks later.”

  8. As consumers we don’t have much influence over a lot of this but we still can encourage a system that extracts more value from what we’ve already harvested.

  9. We often don’t think about it, but food waste exists from collection, to retail, to consumer, to disposal. “From the moment a fisher lands a fish to the moment that fish lands on your plate, 27 percent of it will disappear.”…

  10. @DevinCG Also, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Sometimes a plant will stress out and lose leaves. Sometimes you’ll figure it out in time for it to recover, sometimes not. You still can learn from that.

  11. We as an industry need to do a better job of making accessibility standard on all websites. They can bake cheese into crust but can't bake basic #a11Y into their code? This Supreme Pizza is about to get served. Domino's Fights a Website Accessibility Ruling in The Supreme Court—...

  12. I’ve been on the new redesign for a while now. Yeah, it feels a little out of place on a desktop but overall I like it. I’m a sucker for change so it always surprises me when people get outraged over redesigns. I don’t see the people hating it explaining...

  13. I don’t wear glasses but I am about to order 4 different types of sunglasses. Anyone have any experience with blue light glasses and amber colored driving sunglasses? I didn’t event know this was a thing until recently.

  14. Friendly reminder that browser extensions have access to a lot of information and aren’t well monitored. Be sure you trust the publisher. Some fascinating technical detail from @dangoodin001 about the browser extensions that slurp up and share browsing data: jumps out are the extensions's obfuscations of their activites, such...

  15. History is so interesting…I’d be up for this Fixed Calendar idea once we move to the metric system. So, Kodak is weird. And a particular way they are weird has to do with the International Fixed Calendar, as developed by Moses Cotsworth in 1902.It's a calendar designed to be maximally...

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