Anthony Ciccarello
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Short thoughts and replies that weren't a whole blog post.

  1. Today I finally enabled displaying of webmentions thanks to I only support rendering mentions client side for now but I hope to eventually add rendering and sending to the site’s build process.

    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  2. TIL that they make earplugs specifically for concerts. As someone with sensitive ears I need to look into these for the next time I go to a concert in person.

    • TIL
  3. TIL you can emulate the as const type suffix in JS with a helper function. (source) /** * Identity function. Coerces string/number literals to value-as-type. * @template {string|number} T * @param {T} v * @return {T} */ function toConst(v) { return v; } const five = toConst(5); // --> Type...

    • TIL
    • technology
  4. I’ve added a new type of post to my site. This should open a whole world of possibilities integrating with standards!

    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  5. This “Tiny Creatures” animal drama is cute and impressively put together with slow-mo close-ups…wait he filmed it in his backyard in England during quarantine?…

  6. It would be very poetic if adding Trump’s face to Mount Rushmore caused the entire monument to collapse. White House reached out to South Dakota governor about adding President Trump to Mount Rushmore, New York Times reports— CNN (@CNN) August 9, 2020

  7. Best part of my day was eating 6 1/2 fresh-cooked tortillas. I guess that’s not bad for 2020.

  8. There’s also a huge group of officers grouped up a few blocks from the protest. Looks like they may have riot gear.

  9. Crazy numbers of police around La Mesa today in response to a planned protest. Most of the protesters we’ve seen look like Trumpers

  10. Enforcing economic class divides is not the American dream. We shouldn’t let our towns exclude low income housing because we can’t “be bothered”. I am happy to inform all of the people living their Suburban Lifestyle Dream that you will no longer be bothered or financially hurt by having low...

  11. Then the Costa Rica episode completely ignored the native Costa Ricans who have done so much to make the country the leader in sustainability it is today. A bunch of expats should not be the voices to share about growing local foods.

  12. There’s a lot of pseudo-science which can be fine if that’s the theme of your show. But I really wish it wasn’t presented the same as things that have been scientifically researched.

  13. The episodes don’t seem to have a point. Just two bros traveling while learning some interesting facts about unique situations. I guess they are exposing people to new ideas. But there are very few usable takeaways for such practical topics.

  14. I was really wanting to like Zac Efron’s “Down to Earth” but it is hard to watch. I love the premise and the topics sounded great but the production severely misses the mark.

  15. I love that “keep the tweets flowing” was their last tweet before having to lock down twitter. Keep the Tweets flowing and the conversations going, without switching between other tabs and the Messages tab.On the desktop version of, you can now access your DMs at the bottom right of...

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