Anthony Ciccarello
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Short thoughts and replies that weren't a whole blog post.

  1. I’m very intrigued by the idea of a calendar reform. What would it look like if we had 13 months of 28 days or some other arrangement like the World Calendar with fixed weekdays? Obviously switching systems would be a nightmare but I find the potential for consistency appealing. First...

  2. I added a new page to my site this week. You can now preview some of the posts I have in progress on the /drafts page! Beware, I don’t plan on redirecting those old URLs though so I don’t recommend linking to draft posts.

    • site changes
  3. Found out today that a elderly woman we know from Liberia passed away. She spent most of her life caring for children in Nimba county, many of whom lost family in the country’s civil war. Her godly spirit had a profound impact on my wife and me despite being a...

    • personal
    • Liberia
  4. Today I learned that 12 days before the Three Mile Island accident, the movie The China Syndrome came out in theaters describing a nuclear meltdown that “could render an area the size of the state of Pennsylvania permanently uninhabitable”.

    • TIL
  5. I wonder if actors will start putting out holiday movies the way musicians put out holiday albums.

    • christmas
  6. It’s nice to be able to wear red and green without feeling like I’m making a fashion faux pas.

    • christmas
  7. Thanks to my website should now be discoverable as on federated ActivityPub services like Mastodon. I’m still ironing out the kinks but I’m impressed by everything supports

    • site changes
  8. Today we saw what looked like a goldfish in the harbor. Apparently a “Catalina Goldfish” is officially called a Garibald and is California’s state fish.

    • TIL
  9. Today I finally enabled displaying of webmentions thanks to I only support rendering mentions client side for now but I hope to eventually add rendering and sending to the site’s build process.

    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  10. TIL that they make earplugs specifically for concerts. As someone with sensitive ears I need to look into these for the next time I go to a concert in person.

    • TIL
  11. TIL you can emulate the as const type suffix in JS with a helper function. (source) /** * Identity function. Coerces string/number literals to value-as-type. * @template {string|number} T * @param {T} v * @return {T} */ function toConst(v) { return v; } const five = toConst(5); // --> Type...

    • TIL
    • technology
  12. I’ve added a new type of post to my site. This should open a whole world of possibilities integrating with standards!

    • IndieWeb
    • site changes
  13. This “Tiny Creatures” animal drama is cute and impressively put together with slow-mo close-ups…wait he filmed it in his backyard in England during quarantine?…

  14. It would be very poetic if adding Trump’s face to Mount Rushmore caused the entire monument to collapse. White House reached out to South Dakota governor about adding President Trump to Mount Rushmore, New York Times reports— CNN (@CNN) August 9, 2020

  15. Best part of my day was eating 6 1/2 fresh-cooked tortillas. I guess that’s not bad for 2020.

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