Anthony Ciccarello
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  1. Moving Forward

    The past two years of ministry in Springfield, Ohio have been filled with ups and downs for my wife and me. We have had the great opportunity to get to know the children who attend our church’s weekly children’s programs. We have also transitioned out of some of the ministries...

    • personal
  2. Takeaways from ng-conf 2016

    I know it has already been three weeks since ng-conf but I wanted to highlight my takeaways from the conference. This was the first technical conference I had ever attended so almost everything was a new experience for me. The only exposure I had to the format was through YouTube...

    • technology
    • ngconf
  3. The First Year

    In October of 2014, I married the love of my life and I am so glad I did. I love being able to see her every day and having an excuse to treat her extra special. Her companionship brings me endless joy and she helps me be a better man....

    • personal
    • marriage
  4. Do You Think You Are Thankful?

    Humbled by those who know need

    • culture
    • Liberia
  5. An Overview of Our Trip

    For those of you who had checked our blog while we were in Liberia, I’d like to apologize for our lack of updates. We were unsure of what our housing situation would be but we knew that during Bekah’s last trip she could get online from her housing at the...

    • travel
    • Liberia
  6. Getting An Introduction to Africa

    Detour to Senegal

    • travel
    • Senegal
    • Liberia
  7. Why Write?

    An explanation of my entree into literary communication

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