A while back, I stopped using Twitter. Then when things started to get rocky at the company, I decided to export my data. For a long time, that export sat on my computer’s hard drive, but I recently got around to importing all those tweets into my site. Honestly, most of them aren’t worth saving, but it feels good to have them all collected on a site I control and without the rotating shenanigans that make the site unusable like tweet threads being broken if not logged in. However, importing those posts into my site was not easy.

I’m going to describe my process here for others to draw from, but it’s highly customized to my website. There are also some other options you can consider if you are looking for a simpler export like the tweetback project.

Downloading photos

My first attempt to generate markdown files was to use the twitter-archive-parser Python script. It is a pretty full-featured script that includes downloading images and generating markdown files. However, I didn’t like the file-per-month format. If you know Python well, that tool is probably a more feature complete starting point than what I put together. However, I didn’t trust myself to write lots of Python, so I decided to stick with a language I was more familiar with: JavaScript.

The script was still helpful for gathering photos though. The archive apparently has smaller files than the original, so the script downloads the larger version and puts all those files into a folder. I was able to use the media files it downloaded as the source images for my import.

Iterating through tweets

The Twitter archive contains a list of all your Tweets. The script itself puts those onto the global object so I started my import script by using a node require() of the file and getting the global property, but some other scripts I saw would change the Twitter file to use noe module syntax. I personally didn’t value my re-tweets enough to want to import them so the first step was to filter those out. I also had a list of other tweets I wanted to skip. Most of these were photos I had already imported from Instagram, but there were also a few replies and media files I didn’t consider worth carrying over, so these were skipped too. However, I had a few threads that referenced the text of those tweets so I left them in the tweet list to make extracting the text easier.

// Change window to globalThis in the tweets.js file
// Could probably change the file to use module.exports instead
const tweetFilePath = '/path/to/twitter-archive/data/tweets.js';
globalThis.YTD = { tweets: {} };
tweetData = globalThis.YTD.tweets.part0; 

 * A map of all the tweet IDs to script to their reason for skipping (for review reasons mainly)
const tweetsToSkip = {
	1151656785842987010: 'instagram',
/** Map of URLs to data from the twitter oembed API (using file generated separately) */
const referencedTweets = require('../../referenced-tweets.json').reduce(
	(refMap, reference) => {
		refMap.set(reference.url, reference);
		return refMap;
	new Map(),

/** Keep track of tweet threads for sending webmentions later */
const selfReplyPaths = [];

/** List of tweets with re-tweets removed */
const filteredTweets = tweetData.filter(
	({ tweet }) => !tweet.full_text.startsWith('RT '),

/** Array of promises for tweet post file creation */
const postCreationPromises = filteredTweets
	.map(async ({ tweet }, tweetIndex) => {
    // Library to look up twitter urls for people who have moved elsewhere
		const { transform: transformTweetUrl } = await import('@tweetback/canonical');
		if (tweetsToSkip[Number(tweet.id)]) {
			// Skip tweet
      // Didn't do this in the filter so we can more easily pull the text

User mentions and hashtags

The text of tweets in the export is plaintext, so I wanted to replace hashtags and @ mentions with proper links. Thankfully, the export does include an entities property which make it easy to know what references are in the tweet. You could easily use a regex to do the same thing, but this was easier. For each reference I changed the text to be a markdown link. User mentions would point to Twitter. Hashtags would point to my own tags page.

		// Link user mentions
		// Need to map to a set to prevent duplicate mentions from getting replaced twice
		new Set(
			tweet.entities.user_mentions.map(({ screen_name }) => screen_name),
		).forEach((screen_name) => {
			tweetText = tweetText.replaceAll(
				'@' + screen_name,

		// Link hashtags
		tweet.entities.hashtags.forEach(({ text }) => {
			tweetText = tweetText.replaceAll(
				'#' + text,

The archive’s tweet text uses t.co short URLs instead of the actual links. This isn’t what I want to show both because it hides the destination of the link and because it could break if Twitter has technical issues or wants to block a site. Thankfully the entities object has the mapping for the destination URL. It also has a shortened version of the link to use for display rather than the full URL. I could have written my own link shortener, but the archive version was good enough for me.

External links were simple, but links to Tweets needed special logic. Quote tweets are exported as a Tweet with a tweet URL in the tweet text. So I would try to get the blockquote version of tweets from a list of references (see next section). This would show a plaintext version of the referenced tweet which Twitter’s script will upgrade to a full tweet embed. If the tweet couldn’t be found, I also used @tweetback/canonical to try to look up deleted tweets from people’s personal Twitter archives.

		// Replace t.co URLs
		tweet.entities.urls.forEach(({ url, expanded_url, display_url }) => {
			if (expanded_url.includes('twitter.com')) {
				const normalizedUrl = expanded_url.split('?')[0];
				if (referencedTweets.has(normalizedUrl)) {
					tweetText = tweetText.replace(
					hasEmbed = true;
				} else {
					const updatedUrl = transformTweetUrl(expanded_url);
					if (updatedUrl !== expanded_url) {
							'Found new canonical URL',
					tweetText = tweetText.replace(
			} else {
				tweetText = tweetText.replace(

		if (hasEmbed) {
      // Add script to see quote tweet content using Twitter's script
			tweetText += `
<script async src=\"https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>`;

Getting referenced tweet data

For both retweets and replies, the tweet list only shows a link. So to get the tweet content, I used the twitter oembed API to generate a JSON file with that data. There were quite a lot of tweets that were unavailable either because they were deleted or private so I also generated a list of failed requests.

In my main script that iterates through all the tweets of the archive, I temporarily logged all the referenced tweets and copied that list of URLs into the following script. This script outputs a file with all the found tweets and a file with all the errors.

// Ran this separate from the main tweet generation file to avoid hitting the twitter api repeatedly
const { writeFile } = require('node:fs/promises');
/** List of twitter URLs to look up. Its a multiline string because I copied it from console output */
const references = `

const tweets = [];
const errors = [];
		.map(async (url) => {
			if (url) {
				try {
					const response = await fetch(
						'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed?omit_script=true&url=' +
						{ headers: { Accept: 'application/json' } },
					if (response.ok) {
						const json = await response.json();
					} else {
							'Problem fetching tweet',
						errors.push(await response.text());
                    // Added a delay to possibly be less likely to be rate limited 
					await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 280));
				} catch (e) {
					console.error('Error fetching tweet', url, e);
				console.log('Fetched', url);
).then(() => {
	console.log('Writing file');
	writeFile('./referenced-tweets.json', JSON.stringify(tweets));
	writeFile('./reference-errors.json', JSON.stringify(errors));


Images and videos in tweets are archived with just a URL, but again the data is in the entities of the archive. I looped through all the images in the tweet, copied the file, added the first image to the frontmatter and replaced later ones with markdown image syntax. Video required a little more care since they were defined differently in the archive.

		let featuredImage = '';
		let imageBody = '';
		let imageUrlToReplace = '';
		await Promise.all(
				async ({ url, media_url, video_info }, index) => {
					const fileName = media_url.split('/').at(-1);
					let newFileName;

					if (video_info) {
						for (const videoVariant of video_info.variants) {
							const { url: videoUrl } = videoVariant;
							try {
								newFileName = await copyMedia(
							} catch (e) {
								// Retrying another file name
									'Failed to find video file for url',
						if (!newFileName) {
							console.warn('Could not find video for', tweet.id);
						// All my videos can be shown as notes since they are mostly gifs
						type = 'notes';
					} else {
						newFileName = await copyMedia(media_url, tweet.id);
					if (index === 0) {
						// type = 'photos';
						// I'm categorizing all my photos as notes for now since I don't want them in the gallery
						imageUrlToReplace = url;
						featuredImage = `
image: ${newFileName}
image_alt: TODO Alt text`;
					} else {
						imageBody += `

![TODO Alt text](${newFileName})`;
			) ?? [],
		if (imageUrlToReplace) {
			if (imageBody) console.log('Multiple images on', tweet.id);
			tweetText = tweetText.replace(imageUrlToReplace, imageBody);


In my first drafts of publishing my tweet archive, I didn’t have any reply context on replies other than the user. I realized quickly that the reply tweets did not work on their own. So once I had generated the tweet reference data, I incorporated it into reply tweets.

I also wanted to handle replies to myself well since the tweets of a tweet thread don’t stand on their own. In those cases, I replaced the URLs with my archive URLs and looked up the referenced ID in the list of tweets and modified the author metadata. I also simplified the tweet text and didn’t bother with images in the reply context.

		const replyScreenName = tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name ?? '_';
		const mentionedUserName =
				({ screen_name }) => screen_name === replyScreenName,
			)?.name ?? replyScreenName;
		const replyMetadata = {};
		if (tweet.in_reply_to_status_id) {
			replyMetadata.url = `https://twitter.com/${replyScreenName}/status/${tweet.in_reply_to_status_id}`;
		if (tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name) {
			type = 'replies';
			replyMetadata.author = {
				name: mentionedUserName,
				url: `https://twitter.com/${tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name}`,
		if (tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name == 'ajciccarello') {
      // Replies to myself should reference my website post, not the original tweet
			// Even though it is a reply, threads should be categorized together
			type = 'notes';
			replyMetadata.author = {
				name: 'Anthony Ciccarello',
				url: 'https://www.ciccarello.me',
			let previousTweet;
      // Check the last 40 tweets for the tweet we are replying to
			for (let i = 1; i < 40; i++) {
				const { tweet: tweetToCheck } =
					filteredTweets[tweetIndex + i] ?? {};
				if (tweetToCheck?.id === tweet.in_reply_to_status_id) {
					previousTweet = tweetToCheck;
			if (previousTweet) {
				const previousDate = new Date(previousTweet.created_at);
				// Point to the skipped post if that was consolidated
				const postId =
					tweetsToSkip[Number(tweet.in_reply_to_status_id)] ??
				replyMetadata.url = createPostUrl(previousDate, postId);
				// Copy previous message in thread but drop any shortend urls
				replyMetadata.content = previousTweet.full_text
					.replaceAll('\n', ' ')
					.replace(/https:\/\/t.co\/\w+/, '');
					createPostUrl(datePublished, tweet.id),
			} else {
					`Could not find own reply ID ${tweet.in_reply_to_status_id} from tweet ${tweet.id}`,
		if (
			!replyMetadata.content &&
			replyMetadata.url?.includes('twitter.com') &&
		) {
			/** @type {string} */
			const tweetEmbed = referencedTweets.get(replyMetadata.url).html;
			replyMetadata.content = /<p.*?>(.*)<\/p>/.exec(tweetEmbed)[1];

Generating markdown file

Finally, with all the data prepared, I was able to generate the file text which I then saved to a file for each post.

		let replyYaml = '';
		if (replyMetadata.url) {
			replyYaml = `
in-reply-to: ${replyMetadata.url}
  - url: ${replyMetadata.url}
    post-type: tweet`;
			if (replyMetadata.content) {
				replyYaml += `
    content: >
			if (replyMetadata.author) {
				replyYaml += `
      name: ${replyMetadata.author.name}
      url: ${replyMetadata.author.url}`;

		// Markdown file content
		const fileOutput = `---
slug: '${tweet.id}'
date: ${datePublished.toISOString()}${replyYaml}${featuredImage}${
			tweet.entities.hashtags?.length > 0
				? `
				: ''
		}${tweet.entities.hashtags.map(({ text }) => `  - ${text}`).join('\n')}
 - https://twitter.com/ajciccarello/status/${tweet.id}


Adding alt text to media

With the tweets generated for the last time, I could now replace the alt text with something useful. I could search for the TODO value in my codebase and write something for all those images.

Sending mentions for tweet threads

Once the tweet archive was live, the links were set up to go up the tweet thread chain, but not see the replies. So I ran this script to add the next response. Ideally, I would add all the responses, but I’m not sure that would look great with my current webmention rendering. The send-webmentions.sh file that the script generates runs a curl request to my webmention endpoint.

curl -i -d source=https://www.ciccarello.me/posts/2020/08/01/1289706912389292032/ -d target=https://www.ciccarello.me/posts/2020/08/01/1289684794662559745/ https://webmention.io/www.ciccarello.me/webmention

The whole script

This script does require that the ‘@tweetback/canonical’ npm package be installed.

const { writeFile, copyFile } = require('node:fs/promises');

// Example of the tweet data for reference, but the actual content is pulled from the file
let tweetData = [
		tweet: {
			edit_info: {
				initial: {
					editTweetIds: ['1254822726440587264'],
					editableUntil: '2020-04-27T17:50:26.119Z',
					editsRemaining: '5',
					isEditEligible: true,
			retweeted: false,
			source: '<a href="http://twitter.com/download/android" rel="nofollow">Twitter for Android</a>',
			entities: {
				hashtags: [],
				symbols: [],
				user_mentions: [],
				urls: [
						url: 'https://t.co/tyTd1Uj4xi',
						display_url: 'twitter.com/ForbesLindesay…',
						indices: ['255', '278'],
			display_text_range: ['0', '278'],
			favorite_count: '2',
			id_str: '1254822726440587264',
			truncated: false,
			retweet_count: '0',
			id: '1254822726440587264',
			possibly_sensitive: false,
			created_at: 'Mon Apr 27 17:20:26 +0000 2020',
			favorited: false,
				'I really respect the responsibility this library author took to write this up. Switching to es6 imports is going to require a lot of education of the node community so this is really helpful to see. Also, fixing things in under 3 hours is impressive. 👏👏👏 https://t.co/tyTd1Uj4xi',
			lang: 'en',

// Change window to globalThis in the tweets.js file
// Could probably change the file to use module.exports instead
const tweetFilePath = '/path/to/twitter-archive/data/tweets.js';
globalThis.YTD = { tweets: {} };
tweetData = globalThis.YTD.tweets.part0; 

 * A map of all the tweet IDs to script to their reason for skipping (for review reasons mainly)
const tweetsToSkip = {
	1151656785842987010: 'instagram',
/** Map of URLs to data from the twitter oembed API (using file generated separately) */
const referencedTweets = require('../../referenced-tweets.json').reduce(
	(refMap, reference) => {
		refMap.set(reference.url, reference);
		return refMap;
	new Map(),

/** Keep track of tweet threads for sending webmentions later */
const selfReplyPaths = [];

/** List of tweets with re-tweets removed */
const filteredTweets = tweetData.filter(
	({ tweet }) => !tweet.full_text.startsWith('RT '),

/** Array of promises for tweet post file creation */
const postCreationPromises = filteredTweets
	.map(async ({ tweet }, tweetIndex) => {
    // Library to look up twitter urls for people who have moved elsewhere
		const { transform: transformTweetUrl } = await import('@tweetback/canonical');
		if (tweetsToSkip[Number(tweet.id)]) {
			// Skip tweet
      // Didn't do this in the filter so we can more easily pull the text
		const datePublished = new Date(tweet.created_at);
		/** The type folder to put the file in (for my internal folder structure */
		let type = 'notes';

		let tweetText = tweet.full_text;
		let hasEmbed = false;

		// Link user mentions
		// Need to map to a set to prevent duplicate mentions from getting replaced twice
		new Set(
			tweet.entities.user_mentions.map(({ screen_name }) => screen_name),
		).forEach((screen_name) => {
			tweetText = tweetText.replaceAll(
				'@' + screen_name,

		// Link hashtags
		tweet.entities.hashtags.forEach(({ text }) => {
			tweetText = tweetText.replaceAll(
				'#' + text,

		// Replace t.co URLs
		tweet.entities.urls.forEach(({ url, expanded_url, display_url }) => {
			if (expanded_url.includes('twitter.com')) {
				const normalizedUrl = expanded_url.split('?')[0];
				if (referencedTweets.has(normalizedUrl)) {
					tweetText = tweetText.replace(
					hasEmbed = true;
				} else {
					const updatedUrl = transformTweetUrl(expanded_url);
					if (updatedUrl !== expanded_url) {
							'Found new canonical URL',
					tweetText = tweetText.replace(
			} else {
				tweetText = tweetText.replace(

		if (hasEmbed) {
      // Add script to see quote tweet content using Twitter's script
			tweetText += `
<script async src=\"https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js\" charset=\"utf-8\"></script>`;

		// Link Photos
		let featuredImage = '';
		let imageBody = '';
		let imageUrlToReplace = '';
		await Promise.all(
				async ({ url, media_url, video_info }, index) => {
					const fileName = media_url.split('/').at(-1);
					let newFileName;

					if (video_info) {
						for (const videoVariant of video_info.variants) {
							const { url: videoUrl } = videoVariant;
							try {
								newFileName = await copyMedia(
							} catch (e) {
								// Retrying another file name
									'Failed to find video file for url',
						if (!newFileName) {
							console.warn('Could not find video for', tweet.id);
						// All my videos can be shown as notes since they are mostly gifs
						type = 'notes';
					} else {
						newFileName = await copyMedia(media_url, tweet.id);
					if (index === 0) {
						// type = 'photos';
						// I'm categorizing all my photos as notes for now since I don't want them in the gallery
						imageUrlToReplace = url;
						featuredImage = `
image: ${newFileName}
image_alt: TODO Alt text`;
					} else {
						imageBody += `

![TODO Alt text](${newFileName})`;
			) ?? [],
		if (imageUrlToReplace) {
			if (imageBody) console.log('Multiple images on', tweet.id);
			tweetText = tweetText.replace(imageUrlToReplace, imageBody);

		// Reply context
		const replyScreenName = tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name ?? '_';
		const mentionedUserName =
				({ screen_name }) => screen_name === replyScreenName,
			)?.name ?? replyScreenName;
		const replyMetadata = {};
		if (tweet.in_reply_to_status_id) {
			replyMetadata.url = `https://twitter.com/${replyScreenName}/status/${tweet.in_reply_to_status_id}`;
		if (tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name) {
			type = 'replies';
			replyMetadata.author = {
				name: mentionedUserName,
				url: `https://twitter.com/${tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name}`,
		if (tweet.in_reply_to_screen_name == 'ajciccarello') {
      // Replies to myself should reference my website post, not the original tweet
			// Even though it is a reply, threads should be categorized together
			type = 'notes';
			replyMetadata.author = {
				name: 'Anthony Ciccarello',
				url: 'https://www.ciccarello.me',
			let previousTweet;
      // Check the last 40 tweets for the tweet we are replying to
			for (let i = 1; i < 40; i++) {
				const { tweet: tweetToCheck } =
					filteredTweets[tweetIndex + i] ?? {};
				if (tweetToCheck?.id === tweet.in_reply_to_status_id) {
					previousTweet = tweetToCheck;
			if (previousTweet) {
				const previousDate = new Date(previousTweet.created_at);
				// Point to the skipped post if that was consolidated
				const postId =
					tweetsToSkip[Number(tweet.in_reply_to_status_id)] ??
				replyMetadata.url = createPostUrl(previousDate, postId);
				// Copy previous message in thread but drop any shortend urls
				replyMetadata.content = previousTweet.full_text
					.replaceAll('\n', ' ')
					.replace(/https:\/\/t.co\/\w+/, '');
					createPostUrl(datePublished, tweet.id),
			} else {
					`Could not find own reply ID ${tweet.in_reply_to_status_id} from tweet ${tweet.id}`,
		if (
			!replyMetadata.content &&
			replyMetadata.url?.includes('twitter.com') &&
		) {
			/** @type {string} */
			const tweetEmbed = referencedTweets.get(replyMetadata.url).html;
			replyMetadata.content = /<p.*?>(.*)<\/p>/.exec(tweetEmbed)[1];
		let replyYaml = '';
		if (replyMetadata.url) {
			replyYaml = `
in-reply-to: ${replyMetadata.url}
  - url: ${replyMetadata.url}
    post-type: tweet`;
			if (replyMetadata.content) {
				replyYaml += `
    content: >
			if (replyMetadata.author) {
				replyYaml += `
      name: ${replyMetadata.author.name}
      url: ${replyMetadata.author.url}`;

		// Markdown file content
		const fileOutput = `---
slug: '${tweet.id}'
date: ${datePublished.toISOString()}${replyYaml}${featuredImage}${
			tweet.entities.hashtags?.length > 0
				? `
				: ''
		}${tweet.entities.hashtags.map(({ text }) => `  - ${text}`).join('\n')}
 - https://twitter.com/ajciccarello/status/${tweet.id}


		const path = `./_posts/${type}/${datePublished.toISOString().split('T')[0]}-tweet-${tweet.id}.md`;
		await writeFile(path, fileOutput);
	.map((promise) => promise.catch(console.error));

// Once all the posts are created, generate a curl script for sending webmentions
Promise.allSettled(postCreationPromises).then(async () => {
	const pathPrefix = 'https://www.ciccarello.me';
	const fileOutput = selfReplyPaths
			([source, target]) =>
				`curl -i -d source=${pathPrefix + source} -d target=${pathPrefix + target} https://webmention.io/www.ciccarello.me/webmention`,

	const path = `./send-webmentions.sh`;
	await writeFile(path, fileOutput);

/** Copies media files to correct location */
async function copyMedia(media_url, tweetId) {
	const fileName = media_url.split('?')[0].split('/').at(-1);
	const newFileName = `/assets/img/tweet-${tweetId}-${fileName}`;

	await copyFile(
		'.' + newFileName,

	return newFileName;

 * Generates a root relative path for tweet posts as shown on my site.
 * @param {Date} postDate
 * @param {number | string} postId
 * @returns {string}
function createPostUrl(postDate, postId) {
	const datePath = postDate.toISOString().split('T')[0].replace(/-/g, '/');
	return `/posts/${datePath}/${postId}/`;